Gotta love the metallic blue color...
Sometime ago, I won an iPod Shuffle (thanks again, Apple Malaysia! =D ) through a Facebook contest in conjuction with Apple Discovery Week V. However, before I went to collect it, I have no idea which Shuffle I would get. I was like, "Please please please be the latest one..." although in general, I actually loathe the Shuffle family, lol.
So, turned out that the Shuffle was a 2nd generation unit with only (according to today's standard) 1GB of disk space. Imagine how I felt, man...but hey, I'm not being ungrateful here. I was over the moon at Apple's office (APPLE'S OFFICE NI WEH!) when I collected it but you know, when it comes to things that you hate naturally, you just can't ditch the feeling easily.
But now it's all different. After getting used to it, I actually love it very much. In fact, more and more as the day gone by, just because of simple reasons - its size, strong clamps and nice big buttons on its body. These reason made it so convenient to use; just clamp it on my pants and off I go, whether during running, riding bike or just general listening.
That being said, I still hate the Shuffle range, even the latest generation. I just can't comprehend why would Apple put the controllers on its earphone. So, let's say you want to hook up a different set of earphones or headphone, you would be left without any abilities to control your Shuffle. Isn't that a hassle?
Sure, there are compatible adapters (such as this one from Belkin) but when it comes to Apple accessories (1st or 3rd party), you just got to prepare to pay premium moneh, man...