Monday, May 21, 2012

Music Monday: Princes of The Universe by Queen

"Born to be kings, princes of the universe,
Fighting and free, got your world in my hand"

Last night, I spent 2 hours watching Queen: Days of Our Lives documentary that was made by BBC for the band's 40th anniversary last year. I got to say that the documentary was very well made, inspiring and ought to make a rock star out of somebody - the same feeling that I felt when I watched Foo Fighters' Back and Forth documentary not long ago.

Given that I only knew a handful of Queen's songs, I discovered a lot of other songs as well such as the one above. But then again, I was still a little kid when I saw Highlander on RTM back then.

Man, good stuff really...that's what you usually get from quality music documentary. Any other good music documentary out there? Let me know if you have one. :)

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